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bsvars on CRAN

bsvarSIGNs on CRAN

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bsvars features

bsvars models and identification

bsvars modeling of monetary policy

bsvars features

bsvars features

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  • Bayesian estimation of Structural VARs
  • coherent code structure, workflows, and objects
  • excellent computational speed
  • frontier econometric techniques
  • efficient and fast Gibbs samplers
  • compiled code using cpp via Rcpp and RcppArmadillo
  • data analysis in R

  • 5 volatility & 3 non-normal models
  • identification using
    • exclusion restrictions
    • heteroskedasticity, and
    • non-normality
  • Priors: 3-level eq-specific local-global shrinkage

  • flexible Bayesian VAR
  • identification using
    • sign restrictions
    • sign & zero restrictions
    • narrative restrictions
  • Priors: Minnesota with dummy observation and estimated shrinkage

  • package and data loading
  • simple model setup
spec = specify_bsvar$new(us_fiscal_lsuw)
  • simple estimation
burn = estimate(spec, S = 1000)
post = estimate(burn, S = 10000)

  • package and data loading
  • simple model setup
spec = specify_bsvarSIGN$new(optimism)
  • simple estimation
post = estimate(spec, S = 10000)

  • structural analyses
irfs = compute_impulse_responses(post , horizon = 12)
fevd = compute_variance_decompositions(post, horizon = 12)
hds  = compute_historical_decompositions(post)
ss   = compute_structural_shocks(post)
csds = compute_conditional_sd(post)
sddr = verify_identification(post)
  • predictive analyses
fvs  = compute_fitted_values(post)
fore = forecast(post, horizon = 12)
  • plots and summaries

  • structural analyses
irfs = compute_impulse_responses(post , horizon = 12)
fevd = compute_variance_decompositions(post, horizon = 12)
hds  = compute_historical_decompositions(post)
ss   = compute_structural_shocks(post)
csds = compute_conditional_sd(post)
  • predictive analyses
fvs  = compute_fitted_values(post)
fore = forecast(post, horizon = 12)
  • plots and summaries

  • workflow with the pipe

us_fiscal_lsuw |> 
  specify_bsvar$new() |> 
  estimate(S = 1000) |> 
  estimate(S = 10000) -> post

post |> compute_impulse_responses(horizon = 12) |> plot()
post |> compute_variance_decompositions(horizon = 12) |> plot()
post |> compute_historical_decompositions() |> plot()
post |> compute_structural_shocks() |> plot()
post |> compute_conditional_sd() |> plot()
post |> forecast(horizon = 12) |> plot()
post |> verify_identification() |> summary()

  • workflow with the pipe

optimism |> 
  specify_bsvarSIGN$new() |> 
  estimate(S = 10000) -> post

post |> compute_impulse_responses(horizon = 12) |> plot()
post |> compute_variance_decompositions(horizon = 12) |> plot()
post |> compute_historical_decompositions() |> plot()
post |> compute_structural_shocks() |> plot()
post |> compute_conditional_sd() |> plot()
post |> forecast(horizon = 12) |> plot()

  • progress bar

  • progress bar

bsvars models and identification

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Structural VAR

\[\begin{align} \text{reduced form:}&&\mathbf{y}_t &= \mathbf{A}\mathbf{x}_t + \boldsymbol{\varepsilon}_t \\ \text{structural form:}&&\mathbf{B}_0\boldsymbol{\varepsilon}_t &= \mathbf{u}_t \\ \text{structural shocks:}&&\mathbf{u}_t\mid\mathbf{x}_t &\sim N\left( \mathbf{0}_N, \text{diag}\left(\boldsymbol{\sigma}_t^2\right) \right) \end{align}\]

  • interpretable structural specification
  • identification through
    • exclusion restrictions
    • heteroskedasticity
    • non-normality
  • facilitates application of frontier numerical techniques
  • features 3-level equation-specific local-global prior shrinkage

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Structural VAR

\[\begin{align} \text{reduced form:}&&\mathbf{y}_t &= \mathbf{A}\mathbf{x}_t + \boldsymbol{\varepsilon}_t \\ \text{error term:}&&\boldsymbol{\varepsilon}_t\mid\mathbf{x}_t &\sim N\left( \mathbf{0}_N, \boldsymbol{\Sigma} \right)\\ \text{rotation:}&&\mathbf{Q} &\sim Haar \\ \text{structural form:}&&\left(\mathbf{A}, \boldsymbol{\Sigma}, \mathbf{Q}\right) &\rightarrow\left(\mathbf{A}, \mathbf{B}_0\right) \end{align}\]

  • identification through
    • sign & zero restrictions on structural matrix or impulse responses
    • narrative restrictions on shocks
    • all at once!
  • facilitates independent sampling & application of frontier numerical techniques
  • features Minnesota and dummy observation priors with estimated shrinkage

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Non-centred Stochastic Volatility

\[\begin{align} \text{conditional variance:}&&\sigma_{n.t}^2 &= \exp\left\{\omega_n h_{n.t}\right\}\\ \text{log-volatility:}&&h_{n.t} &= \rho_n h_{n.t-1} + v_{n.t}\\ \text{volatility innovation:}&&v_{n.t}&\sim N\left(0,1\right)\\ \end{align}\]

  • excellent volatility forecasting performance
  • standardization around \(\sigma_{n.t}^2 = 1\)
  • verify_identification() by checking \(H_0:\quad\omega_n = 0\)

Stochastic Volatility: conditional variances

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Markov-switching and mixture models.

\[\begin{align} \text{structural shocks:}&&\mathbf{u}_t\mid s_t &\sim N\left( \mathbf{0}_N, \text{diag}\left(\boldsymbol{\sigma}_{s_t}^2\right) \right)\\ \text{prior & standardisation:}&& M^{-1}\left(\boldsymbol{\sigma}_{1}^2, \dots, \boldsymbol{\sigma}_{M}^2\right) &\sim Dirichlet(\underline{a}\boldsymbol\imath')\\ \text{latent process:}&& s_t&\sim \text{Markov or independent} \end{align}\]

  • modeling Markov-switching or mixture models
  • non-normality provides identification information
  • potential gains in forecasting precision
  • verify_identification() by checking \(H_0:\quad\boldsymbol{\sigma}_{1}^2, \dots, \boldsymbol{\sigma}_{M}^2 = 1\)

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Student-t shocks.

\[\begin{align} \text{structural shocks:}&&\mathbf{u}_t\mid\mathbf{x}_t &\sim t\left( \mathbf{0}_N, \mathbf{I}_N, \nu \right) \end{align}\]

  • \(\nu\) - the degrees of freedom parameter is estimated
  • fat tails provide identification information
  • potential gains in forecasting precision
  • robustness to outliers
  • verify_identification() by checking \(H_0:\quad\nu \rightarrow\infty\)

Student-t shocks.

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Identification verification via SDDR.

Verify the restriction through the posterior odds ratio using the SDDR: \[ SDDR = \frac{\Pr[H_0 | data]}{\Pr[H_1 | data]}= \frac{p(H_0 | data)}{p(H_0 )} \]

  • suitable to verify sharp restrictions on parameters
  • is interpreted as posterior odds ratio
  • values greater than 1 provide evidence in favour of the restriction
  • simple to compute given the unrestricted model estimation output
  • see methods verify_identification() and verify_autoregression()

bsvars modeling of monetary policy

bsvars modeling of monetary policy

Australian domestic sector.

Consider a system of five domestic variables:

\[\begin{align} y_t = \begin{bmatrix} rgdp_t & cpi_t & CR_t & EX_t & aord_t \end{bmatrix}' \end{align}\]

  • \(rgdp_t\) - log real Gross Domestic Product

  • \(cpi_t\) - log Consumer Price Index

  • \(CR_t\) - Cash Rate Target - Australian nominal interest rate

  • \(EX_t\) - USD/AUD exchange rate

  • \(aord_t\) - log All Ordinaries Index

  • monthly data from August 1990 to March 2024

  • quarterly variables interpolated to monthly frequency

bsvars modeling of monetary policy

Foreign sector.

The foreign sector includes three US variables:

  • \(rgdp_t^{(US)}\) - log real Gross Domestic Product
  • \(cpi_t^{(US)}\) - log Consumer Price Index
  • \(FFR_t\) - Cash Rate Target - Australian nominal interest rate
  • monthly data from August 1990 to March 2024
  • quarterly variables interpolated to monthly frequency
  • contemporaneous and four lagged values are included in the model as exogenous variables

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Zero-restriction-identified system.

\[\begin{align} \begin{bmatrix} B_{0.11}&0&0&0&0\\ B_{0.21}&B_{0.22}&0&0&0\\ B_{0.31}&B_{0.32}&B_{0.33}&0&0\\ B_{0.41}&B_{0.42}&B_{0.43}&B_{0.44}&0\\ B_{0.51}&B_{0.52}&B_{0.53}&B_{0.54}&B_{0.55} \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix}rgdp_t \\ cpi_t \\ CR_t \\ EX_t\\ aord_t \end{bmatrix} &= \dots + \begin{bmatrix} u_t^{ad} \\ u_t^{as} \\ u_t^{mps} \\ u_t^{ex} \\ u_t^{aord} \end{bmatrix} \end{align}\]

Identified shocks.

  • \(u_t^{mps}\) - identified via Taylor’s Rule extended by exchange rate
  • \(u_t^{ex}\) - currency shock indistinguishable from the monetary policy shock

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Specify and estimate the SVAR-SV.

soe           = as.matrix(soe)

TT            = nrow(soe)
lag_order     = 8
lag_exogenous = 4
T             = TT - max(lag_order, lag_exogenous)

exogenous     = matrix(NA, TT - lag_exogenous, 0)
for (i in 0:lag_exogenous) {
  exogenous   = cbind(exogenous, as.matrix(soe[(lag_exogenous - i + 1):(TT - i), 6:8]))

spec          = specify_bsvar_sv$new(
  data        = tail(soe[,1:5], T),
  p           = lag_order,
  exogenous   = tail(exogenous, T)

burn          = estimate(spec, 1e4)
post          = estimate(burn, 1e4)

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SVAR-SV: Compute and plot impulse responses.

post |> compute_impulse_responses(horizon = 60) |> plot(probability = 0.68, col = "#00bf63")

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SVAR-SV: Forecast error variance decompositions.

post |> compute_variance_decompositions(horizon = 60) |> plot(col = bsvars_grad)

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SVAR-SV: Structural shocks.

post |> compute_structural_shocks() |> plot(col = "#00bf63")

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SVAR-SV: Shocks’ conditional standard deviations.

post |> compute_conditional_sd() |> plot(col = "#00bf63")

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SVAR-SV: identification verification.

post |> verify_identification() |> summary()
 bsvars: Bayesian Structural Vector Autoregressions|
   Summary of identification verification          |
     H0: omega_n = 0  [homoskedasticity]           |
     H1: omega_n != 0 [heteroskedasticity]         |
           log(SDDR)       NSE  Pr[H0|data] Pr[H1|data]
shock 1 -139.2079238 56.216891 3.489529e-61   1.0000000
shock 2  -77.3369956 60.430724 2.588031e-34   1.0000000
shock 3  -20.9795368 20.576286 7.739322e-10   1.0000000
shock 4   -0.2618337  0.524091 4.349130e-01   0.5650870
shock 5   -2.5202529  1.911860 7.445051e-02   0.9255495

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SVAR-SV: Fitted Values.

post |> compute_fitted_values() |> plot(col = "#00bf63")

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SVAR-SV: Does foreign sector matter?

A0 = matrix(NA, 5, 56)
A0[,45:56] = 0
post |> verify_autoregression(hypothesis = A0) |> summary()
 bsvars: Bayesian Structural Vector Autoregressions|
   Summary of hypothesis verification              |
      for autoregressive parameters                |
 log(SDDR)      NSE Pr[H0|data]  Pr[H1|data]
  156.8253 4.668342           1 7.791643e-69

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Sign-restricted system.

\[\begin{align} \begin{bmatrix}rgdp_t \\ cpi_t \\ CR_t \\ EX_t\\ aord_t \end{bmatrix} &= \dots + \begin{bmatrix} -&*&*&*&*\\ -&*&*&*&*\\ +&*&*&*&*\\ *&*&*&*&*\\ *&*&*&*&*\\ \end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix} u_t^{ad} \\ u_t^{as} \\ u_t^{mps} \\ u_t^{ex} \\ u_t^{aord} \end{bmatrix} \end{align}\]

Identified shocks.

  • \(u_t^{mps}\) - identified via Taylor’s Rule extended by exchange rate
  • \(u_t^{ex}\) - currency shock indistinguishable from the monetary policy shock
  • identification through heteroskedasticity helps identifying the shocks

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Specify and estimate a sign-restricted SVAR.

sign_irf0     = matrix(c(-1, -1, 1, rep(NA, 22)), 5, 5)
sign_irf      = array(NA, c(5, 5, 6))
for (i in 1:6) sign_irf[,,i] = sign_irf0

spec          = specify_bsvarSIGN$new(
  data        = tail(soe[,1:5], T),
  p           = lag_order,
  exogenous   = tail(exogenous, T),
  sign_irf    = sign_irf

post          = estimate(spec, 1e4)

     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
[1,]   -1   NA   NA   NA   NA
[2,]   -1   NA   NA   NA   NA
[3,]    1   NA   NA   NA   NA
[4,]   NA   NA   NA   NA   NA
[5,]   NA   NA   NA   NA   NA

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SVAR: Compute and plot impulse responses.

post |> compute_impulse_responses(horizon = 60) |> plot(probability = 0.68, col = "#00bf63" )

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SVAR: Forecast error variance decompositions.

post |> compute_variance_decompositions(horizon = 60) |> plot(col = bsvars_grad )

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SVAR: Structural shocks.

post |> compute_structural_shocks() |> plot(col = "#00bf63" )

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SVAR: Fitted values.

post |> compute_fitted_values() |> plot(col = "#00bf63" )