Bayesian Forecasting of Labour Market Indicators using the R package bvarPANELs
Coming up next
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modelling and forecasting framework
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R script for the easy results reproduction
GitHub repo to reproduce the slides and results
modelling and forecasting framework
modelling and forecasting framework
contemporary Bayesian modelling and institutional setup
incorporates best knowledge and practices
a balance between model size, flexibility, and its capacity to extract signal from data
highly computational, application-specific modelling
inspirations: UN, IPCC, ECB, FED, Christopher Sims
modelling and forecasting framework
modelling features
Bayesian nonstationary variables handling
system modelling
dynamic approach
global–to–local formulation
embedded flexibility
parameter estimation risk accountability
modelling and forecasting framework
forecasting features
original non-stationary variables
density forecasting
conditional forecasting given \(gdp\) projections
forecasting for models with exogenous variables
restricted forecasting of rates
the model
Bayesian hierarchical panel VAR
country-specific vector autoregression
panel modelling: global model for prior mean
flexible 3-level hierarchical prior structure
density forecasting
the model
country-specific vector autoregression
\mathbf{y}_{c.t} &= \begin{bmatrix} gdp_{c.t} & UR_{c.t} & EPR_{c.t} & LFPR_{c.t} \end{bmatrix}'\\[3ex]
\mathbf{y}_{c.t} &= \mathbf{A}_{c.1} \mathbf{y}_{c.t-1} + \mathbf{A}_{d.c}\mathbf{x}_{c.t} + \boldsymbol\epsilon_{c.t}\\[1ex]
\boldsymbol\epsilon_{c.t}\mid \mathbf{y}_{c.t-1} & \sim N_4\left(\mathbf{0}_4, \boldsymbol\Sigma_c\right)\\[2ex]
subscript \(c\) is for country, and \(t\) is for time
the model
global model for the prior mean
E_\pi\left[\mathbf{A}_{c}\right] &= \mathbf{A}, \qquad \mathbf{A}_{c} = \begin{bmatrix} \mathbf{A}_{c.1} & \mathbf{A}_{d.c} \end{bmatrix}'\\[1ex]
E_\pi\left[\boldsymbol\Sigma_c\right] &= \boldsymbol\Sigma\\[3ex]
\mathbf{y}_{c.t} &= \mathbf{A}_{1} \mathbf{y}_{c.t-1} + \mathbf{A}_{d}\mathbf{x}_{c.t} + \boldsymbol\epsilon_{c.t}\\[1ex]
\boldsymbol\epsilon_{c.t}\mid \mathbf{y}_{c.t-1} & \sim N_4\left(\mathbf{0}_4, \boldsymbol\Sigma\right)
the model
flexible 3-level hierarchical prior structure
estimate country-specific parameters: \(\mathbf{A}_c\) and \(\mathbf{\Sigma}_c\)
estimate global parameters: \(\mathbf{A}\) and \(\mathbf{\Sigma}\)
estimate other prior means and shrinkage levels
flexible modelling for various types of data
improved forecasting performance
robustness to different prior specifications
convenient estimation using the Gibbs sampler
the model
the local-global prior
\mathbf{A}_c, \boldsymbol\Sigma_c | \mathbf{A}, \mathbf{V}, \mathbf{\Sigma}, \nu &\sim MNIW_{K\times N}\left(\mathbf{A}, \mathbf{V}, (N - \nu - 1)\mathbf{\Sigma}, \nu\right)\\[2ex]
\mathbf{A}', \mathbf{V} \mid m, w, s &\sim MNIW_{N\times K}\left(m\underline{\mathbf{M}}', w\underline{\mathbf{W}}, s\underline{\mathbf{S}}, \underline{\eta}\right)\label{eq:pgA}\\[2ex]
\mathbf{\Sigma}\mid s &\sim W_{N}\left(s\underline{\mathbf{S}}_\Sigma,\underline{\mu}_\Sigma\right)\\[3ex]
\(MNIW\) is the matrix normal-inverse Wishart distribution (see Woźniak (2016) )
\(W\) is the Wishart distribution
the model
hierarchical prior
\nu &\sim\exp\left(\underline\lambda\right)\\[1ex]
m &\sim N\left(\underline{\mu}_m, \underline{\sigma}_m^2\right)\\[1ex]
w &\sim G\left(\underline{s}_w, \underline{a}_w\right)\\[1ex]
s &\sim IG2\left(\underline{s}_s, \underline{\nu}_s\right)\\[3ex]
\(IG2\) is the inverted gamma 2 distribution
one-period-ahead predictive density
{\color{lig}p\left(\mathbf{y}_{c.t+1}\mid \mathbf{y}_{c.t},\mathbf{A}_{c},\boldsymbol\Sigma_c\right)} & = N_4\left(\mathbf{A}_{c.1} \mathbf{y}_{c.t} + \mathbf{A}_{d.c}\mathbf{x}_{c.t+1}, \boldsymbol\Sigma_c\right)\\[5ex]
is implied by the model
is the same as frequentist predictive density
predictive density
p\left(\mathbf{y}_{c.t+h},\dots,\mathbf{y}_{c.t+1}\mid \mathbf{Y}_{c.t}\right)
&= \int p\left(\mathbf{y}_{c.t+h},\dots,\mathbf{y}_{c.t+1},\mathbf{A}_{c},\boldsymbol\Sigma_c\mid \mathbf{Y}_{c.t}\right)d\left(\mathbf{A}_{c},\boldsymbol\Sigma_c\right)\\[1ex]
&= \int{\color{lig} p\left(\mathbf{y}_{c.t+h}\mid \mathbf{y}_{c.t+h-1},\mathbf{A}_{c},\boldsymbol\Sigma_c\right)}\\[1ex]
&\qquad\times {\color{lig}p\left(\mathbf{y}_{c.t+1}\mid \mathbf{y}_{c.t},\mathbf{A}_{c},\boldsymbol\Sigma_c\right)}\\[1ex]
&\qquad\times p\left(\mathbf{A}_{c},\boldsymbol\Sigma_c\mid \mathbf{Y}_{c.t}\right)d\left(\mathbf{A}_{c},\boldsymbol\Sigma_c\right)
conditional density structure determines the sampling algorithm
precise estimation and forecasting
simple workflows in R
excellent computational speed
frontier econometric and numerical techniques
algorithms written in C++
extensive documentation
up-to standards: ready for publication
install the package from the GitHub repo
load data
library (bvarPANELs) # load the package
data (ilo_dynamic_panel) # load the data
ilo_dynamic_panel$ COL # show the data for Colombia
Time Series:
Start = 1991
End = 2023
Frequency = 1
1991 25.53464 10.120000 59.96793 66.71999
1992 25.57429 9.440000 60.61868 66.93758
1993 25.62675 7.800000 62.04586 67.29486
1994 25.68326 8.250000 62.11328 67.69840
1995 25.73398 8.720000 62.11020 68.04361
1996 25.75433 11.810000 60.03138 68.07051
1997 25.78805 12.139999 59.96012 68.24507
1998 25.79374 15.000000 57.90753 68.12650
1999 25.75079 20.059999 53.95368 67.49272
2000 25.77962 20.520000 53.75205 67.62965
2001 25.79626 15.040001 57.46694 67.64000
2002 25.82099 14.481000 56.95565 66.60000
2003 25.85942 13.220999 58.52376 67.44000
2004 25.91138 13.717001 57.54213 66.69000
2005 25.95854 11.061999 58.11209 65.34000
2006 26.02355 11.091076 57.45149 64.61836
2007 26.08876 11.204000 56.73176 63.89000
2008 26.12106 11.273000 56.92724 64.16000
2009 26.13240 12.066000 58.87181 66.95000
2010 26.17636 11.153000 59.59857 67.08000
2011 26.24353 10.288000 60.56457 67.51000
2012 26.28191 9.959000 61.29091 68.07000
2013 26.33198 9.246000 61.05022 67.27000
2014 26.37599 8.799000 61.09555 66.99000
2015 26.40512 8.572000 61.27505 67.02000
2016 26.42578 8.922000 60.49401 66.42000
2017 26.43928 9.086000 60.01233 66.01000
2018 26.46460 9.360000 59.13354 65.24000
2019 26.49597 10.280000 57.70790 64.32000
2020 26.42140 15.983000 53.28358 63.42000
2021 26.52396 13.897999 55.38942 64.33000
2022 26.59432 10.547000 56.49851 63.16000
2023 26.60042 9.565347 57.65713 63.75558
specify and estimate the model
spec = specify_bvarPANEL$ new ( # specify the model
ilo_dynamic_panel, # data
exogenous = ilo_exogenous_variables, # exogenous variables
stationary = c (FALSE , FALSE , FALSE , TRUE ), # stationarity (determines prior mean)
type = c ("real" , "rate" , "rate" , "rate" ) # variable types
burn = estimate (spec, S = 10000 , show_progress = FALSE ) # run the burn-in
post = estimate (burn, S = 10000 ) # estimate the model
bvarPANELs: Forecasting with Bayesian Hierarchical|
Panel Vector Autoregressions |
Progress of the MCMC simulation for 10000 draws
Every draw is saved via MCMC thinning
Press Esc to interrupt the computations
forecast labour market outcomes
fore = forecast ( # forecast the model
post, # estimation output
horizon = 6 , # forecast horizon
exogenous_forecast = ilo_exogenous_forecasts, # forecasts for exogenous variables
conditional_forecast = ilo_conditional_forecasts # gdp projections
bvarPANELs: Forecasting with Bayesian Hierarchical|
Panel Vector Autoregressions |
Progress of sampling 10000 draws from
the predictive density for 189 countries
Press Esc to interrupt the computations
forecast labour market outcomes
plot (fore, "COL" , main = "Forecasts for Colombia" )
forecast labour market outcomes
summary (fore, "COL" )$ variable2
bsvars: Bayesian Structural Vector Autoregressions|
Posterior summary of forecasts |
mean sd 5% quantile 95% quantile
1 10.294857 1.476505 7.872032 12.70846
2 9.841204 1.955355 6.707715 13.01481
3 9.270488 2.261769 5.611791 12.99134
4 8.846041 2.524810 4.745539 13.01309
5 8.492730 2.729845 4.030065 12.93011
6 8.222295 2.887869 3.420855 12.95301
forecast error variance decomposition
post |> # estimation output
compute_variance_decompositions (horizon = 6 ) |> # compute variance decompositions
plot (which_c = "COL" ) # plot variance decompositions