bsvars 3.2
CRAN release: 2024-10-24
The package is under intensive development, and more functionality will be provided soon! To see the package ROADMAP towards the next version.
Have a question, or suggestion, or wanna get in touch? Join the package DISCUSSION forum.
- The package includes the first version of the vignette 5
- Updates on the website
- New plots with axes reading variable names, time scale, and letting you specify structural shock names! 97
- Improved examples for forecasting with exogenous variables. Sample matrices included in the package. Fixed the bug in cpp code for forecasting. Thanks to @DawievLill for asking for clarity! 96
bsvars 3.1
CRAN release: 2024-07-14
- A NEW MODEL! An SVAR with t-distributed structural shocks facilitating identification through non-normality is now included in the package with all the necessary functionality #84
- New ways of verifying identification through heteroskedasticity or non-normality using method
#84 - Improve coding of
cpp function and R methods #89 - Included or updated legend in FEVD and HD plots as requested by @ccoleman9 #85
bsvars 3.0.1
CRAN release: 2024-06-28
- Fixed the bugs that started coming up in the new tested version of Armadillo and RcppArmadillo #82 and RcppCore/RcppArmadillo#443
- Corrected the computations of
bsvars 3.0
CRAN release: 2024-06-19
- The package has a logo! And it’s beautiful! #37
- The package includes
methods #1 - The package includes
methods #36 - Method
allow for conditional forecasting given provided future trajectories of selected variables #76 - Sparse mixture and Markov-switching models can now have more than 20 regimes #57
- A new, more detailed, package description #62
- The website features the new logo. And includes some new information #38
- Updates on documentation to accommodate the fact that some generics and functions from package bsvars will be used in a broader family of packages, first of which is bsvarSIGNs. Includes updates on references. #63
- Fixed
. Now it’s correctly sampling from the predictive data density. #67 - Fixed some bugs that did not create problems #55
- Got rid of filling by reference in the samplers for the sake of granting the exported cpp functions usability #56
- Coded
functions as generics and methods #70 - Updated code for forecast error variance decompositions for heteroskedastic models (qas prompted by @adamwang15) #69
bsvars 2.1.0
CRAN release: 2023-12-11
Published on 11 December 2023
- Included Bayesian procedure for verifying structural shocks’ heteroskedasticty equation-by-equation using Savage-Dickey density ratios #26
- Included Bayesian procedure for verifying joint hypotheses on autoregressive parameters using Savage-Dickey density ratios #26
- Included the possibility of specifying exogenous variables or deterministic terms and included the deterministic terms used by Lütkepohl, Shang, Uzeda, Woźniak (2023) #45
- Updated the data as in Lütkepohl, Shang, Uzeda, Woźniak (2023) #45
- Fixing the compilation problems reported HERE #48
- The package has its pkgdown website at #38
bsvars 2.0.0
CRAN release: 2023-10-24
Published on 23 October 2023
- Included Imports from package stochvol
- Posterior computations for:
- impulse responses and forecast error variance decomposition #3,
- structural shocks and historical decompositions #14
- fitted values #17
- conditional standard deviations #16
- regime probabilities for MS and MIX models #18
- Implemented faster samplers based on random number generators from armadillo via RcppArmadillo #7
- The
functions now also normalise the output w.r.t. to a structural matrix with positive elements on the main diagonal #9 - Changed the order of arguments in the
functions withposterior
first to facilitate workflows using the pipe|>
#10 - Include citation info for the package #12
- Corrected sampler for AR parameter of the SV equations #19
- Added samplers from joint predictive densities #15
- A new centred Stochastic Volatility heteroskedastic process is implemented #22
- Introduced a three-level local-global equation-specific prior shrinkage hierarchy for the parameters of matrices and #34
- Improved checks for correct specification of arguments
of theestimate
method as enquired by @mfaragd #33 - Improved the ordinal numerals presentation for thinning in the progress bar #27
bsvars 1.0.0
CRAN release: 2022-09-01
Published on 1 September 2022
- repo transferred from GitLab to GitHub
- repository is made public
- version to be premiered on CRAN
- Added a new progress bar for the
functions - Developed R6 classes for model specification and posterior outcomes; model specification includes sub-classes for priors, identifying restrictions, data matrices, and starting values
- Added a complete package documentation
- Written help files
- Developed tests for MCMC reproducibility
- Included sample data