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Provides posterior summary of structural shocks' conditional standard deviations including their mean, standard deviations, as well as 5 and 95 percentiles.


# S3 method for class 'PosteriorSigma'
summary(object, ...)



an object of class PosteriorSigma obtained using the compute_conditional_sd() function containing posterior draws of conditional standard deviations of structural shocks.


additional arguments affecting the summary produced.


A list reporting the posterior mean, standard deviations, as well as 5 and 95 percentiles of the structural shocks' conditional standard deviations for each of the shocks and periods.


Tomasz Woźniak


# upload data

# specify the model and set seed
specification  = specify_bsvar_sv$new(us_fiscal_lsuw)
#> The identification is set to the default option of lower-triangular structural matrix.

# run the burn-in
burn_in        = estimate(specification, 5)
#> **************************************************|
#> bsvars: Bayesian Structural Vector Autoregressions|
#> **************************************************|
#>  Gibbs sampler for the SVAR-SV model              |
#>    Non-centred SV model is estimated              |
#> **************************************************|
#>  Progress of the MCMC simulation for 5 draws
#>     Every draw is saved via MCMC thinning
#>  Press Esc to interrupt the computations
#> **************************************************|

# estimate the model
posterior      = estimate(burn_in, 5)
#> **************************************************|
#> bsvars: Bayesian Structural Vector Autoregressions|
#> **************************************************|
#>  Gibbs sampler for the SVAR-SV model              |
#>    Non-centred SV model is estimated              |
#> **************************************************|
#>  Progress of the MCMC simulation for 5 draws
#>     Every draw is saved via MCMC thinning
#>  Press Esc to interrupt the computations
#> **************************************************|

# compute structural shocks' conditional standard deviations
sigma          = compute_conditional_sd(posterior)
sigma_summary  = summary(sigma)
#>  **************************************************|
#>  bsvars: Bayesian Structural Vector Autoregressions|
#>  **************************************************|
#>    Posterior summary of structural shocks'         |
#>      conditional standard deviations               |
#>  **************************************************|

# workflow with the pipe |>
us_fiscal_lsuw |>
  specify_bsvar_sv$new() |>
  estimate(S = 5) |> 
  estimate(S = 5) |> 
  compute_conditional_sd() |>
  summary() -> sigma_summary
#> The identification is set to the default option of lower-triangular structural matrix.
#> **************************************************|
#> bsvars: Bayesian Structural Vector Autoregressions|
#> **************************************************|
#>  Gibbs sampler for the SVAR-SV model              |
#>    Non-centred SV model is estimated              |
#> **************************************************|
#>  Progress of the MCMC simulation for 5 draws
#>     Every draw is saved via MCMC thinning
#>  Press Esc to interrupt the computations
#> **************************************************|
#> **************************************************|
#> bsvars: Bayesian Structural Vector Autoregressions|
#> **************************************************|
#>  Gibbs sampler for the SVAR-SV model              |
#>    Non-centred SV model is estimated              |
#> **************************************************|
#>  Progress of the MCMC simulation for 5 draws
#>     Every draw is saved via MCMC thinning
#>  Press Esc to interrupt the computations
#> **************************************************|
#>  **************************************************|
#>  bsvars: Bayesian Structural Vector Autoregressions|
#>  **************************************************|
#>    Posterior summary of structural shocks'         |
#>      conditional standard deviations               |
#>  **************************************************|